Saturday, August 22, 2015

Week 6!

I think I accidentally answered this in my last post... so see below for my discoveries on Locus Mag! :)

Assignment #3, Three Sub-Genres I am Unfamiliar With

Occult Horror
- Deborah Harkness, The All Souls Trilogy
Huh.  I guess I should have guessed this...  I have read this entire trilogy, but I honestly never really figured this would fit into this sub-genre (at least according to Amazon).  It does have a "ending of the world as we know it" theme and involves witchcraft.  I would have pegged this for a more romance-y type genre.

- Stephen King
-  Anne Rice

Hip Hop Urban Fiction
- K'wan
- Tupac Shakur
- Sapphire
These books would appeal to the urban fiction reader, especially if they enjoy reading about music or famous song artists. 

Pet Investigators Mystery
- Rita Mae Brown
- Lilian Jackson Braun
- Fran Stewart
I almost see these "pet mysteries" in the same category as a cozy mystery.  They are a little lighter and similar to those mysteries that might include recipes inside (you know what I mean!).

Some books that could cross over into multiple sub-genres include The Selection by Kiera Cass and the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon.  The Selection, while Young Adult, has a "Hunger Games style" competition in an alternate reality United States.  While not as violent as Hunger Games, and rather than outright killing each other, the contestants are thrown (for the most part willingly) into a competition to win the hand of the Prince Maxon.  While it does take dystopian characteristics, it also has a "chick lit" and romance streak that is very popular right now among teenage girls.

Outlander has many different genres to offer.  It is historical fiction from multiple time periods as it involves time travel, romance, and adventure in one long, epic story.  I think when books are so involved like this, and they do it well, do they appeal to a much greater audience.  The success of Diana Gabaldon is a testament to this.

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