Thursday, August 27, 2015

Week 7
Assignment #1
Cool flowchart on "What to Read Next"...

Assignment #2
Don't get me wrong, I love YA.  A great majority of what I read is in the YA genre.  I don't know if it is the "old news" nature of these articles or what, but they just didn't do anything for me.
Quite old in the references to new books it makes, but still relevant information at its core.  Its listing of "crossover authors" is still a good, solid list for those who may be new to the genre and looking for suggestions.  I particularly like the quote from Libba Bray where she says she does not worry about who the audience will be for whom she is writing.  I really don't like the misconception that YA books are only for teens, or that adults will not get anything at all out of them.
I don't really know how I feel about this one... At the bottom a bookseller talks about a display with John Green and the 50 Shades books together - what?!  I find it interesting that while this article is now 3 years old, the term of "new adult" that it talks about still really isn't a thing.  I'm honestly not surprised it didn't catch on. 
Why can't we all just read what we like and call it that and be done with it?!
Assignment #3
I have looked at John Green's tumblr periodically from when I went into a big John Green phase and read all his books a while back.  At the time, I had no idea he was somewhat of a YouTube phenomenon and went through some of his videos.  I enjoy his relatability and how accessible he seems to his audience.  Lately, I've seen him popping up on the internet in defending the lead actress of his latest book to movie, Paper Towns, which I can admire.
I just love the title of this page!  I'll start looking through this one...
I do find it hilarious that one of the first articles I found when I started looking through was about "Hot Videogame Boyfriends".  This website will have to get some more exploration...haha!
Assignment #4
Trends in the YA world:
I enjoy the layout and name of this one!  The New Releases at the top were all new to me...which is also good!  I signed up for some of the newsletters as well.
I also chose this because it has a very attractive way of organizing the page.
The dystopia YA theme is still going strong as authors try all different ways of putting a new spin on the genre.  I've also noticed a resurgence of classic fairy tales with a twist.  I think the Cress series series has really helped push this along.  Some older books, such as The Maze Runner series are seeing a resurgence in popularity as the movies are released.

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